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Is it really impossible to be a young Twin Flame?

I’ve heard a lot of people on this subreddit criticize young people for thinking they are Twin Flames. On one hand, I understand the hatred for tiktok getting this trending and the influx of romantic teenagers tying this label to anything. But at the same time, it makes young people who are genuinely on this journey feel like shit- me included.

youngest twin flame in the universe

I’m 51 right now and I met my twin flame when he was just 15 . At this point I am 100% sure we are twin flames- there just isn’t a better explanation. I’ve been trying to deny and debunk it ever since I heard the term, but I think if finally come to accept this as the answer. He is the youngest twin flame of the universe …!!!

I’ve always been a mature kid and took romance and spirituality with a heavy grain of salt. I always had a suspicion that it was something like “soulmates”, but was self aware enough not to let myself think that way. Even at age 14/15/16 I knew that it was more likely to be an obsession, one sided, or just in my head. I tried to do the healthy thing and get over it. Except I continued to experience wild and unexplainable things all the time, and the Universe always found coincidental ways to push us together. I tried to debunk them as they came, trying hard to convince myself I was just a teenager- this wasn’t happening. I didn’t even know it was a thing that could happen. But it was. My belief that I wasn’t “the type of person” or “too young” to have this story kept me running and denying for years.

I had always struggled to find a logical explanation for the crazy things I experienced, but I never thought to look it up. I thought that would be was giving into fantasy. I suspected telepathy, soulmates, destiny, the Universe messing with my life, but I never bothered to research it. I only ever researched dream-sharing less than a year ago, as a possible explanation for the vivid dreams. But also tried to debunk that, and set it to the side.

It was only when my sister found out about TFs- through tiktok funnily enough- that I started to take it seriously. While ranting about my TF one day, she told me about them. She said that she thought I was crazy, but over the years it started to seem more and more spiritual. After hearing about Twin Flames and listening to what I was saying, she put the pieces together and suggested I research it myself. I wanted to debunk the term. Chock it up as every other thing it could possibly be, but none of those make any amount of sense. I was just searching for a way to convince myself I was just another teenager obsessed with romance. But I’m not. The Twin Flame label has been really hard to deal with- it’s exactly everything I was afraid it was, and everything I was trying to deny all these years. But at the same time, it’s the answer I’ve been looking for. Finally having an understanding to all of this, brings me a lot of peace.

I think people don’t give young people enough credit. Teenagers are stupid sometimes, but they can also be very intelligent and mature. I read journals from when I was 14 and I’m surprised and proud of how I was handling things. Better than some of the adults on this subreddit. Your age has nothing to do with your level of maturity. Aren’t Twin Flames supposed to be old and more mature souls? What stops a young person from possessing that? Weren’t you guys also young and also weirdly more mature for your age?

I think we all know that the TF journey is unconventional and doesn’t fit in any sort of box. So why is everyone so quick to deny that a young Twin Flames are possible? It might be hard to weed out the people who aren’t actually experiencing this- but that goes for people of all ages. Please have a bit more empathy, understanding, and openness towards people who are only trying to seek help and guidance. Don’t jump to conclusions based solely on a person’s age.

Edit: I think I accidentally made it sound like we should accept everyone’s story by default. That’s not really what I think. I agree that a true TF journey is rare and we need to hold people accountable and healthily criticize. If it’s clear someone is not in the journey, we need to inform them of that. And I also understand that teenagers/young people are more likely to get this wrong due to less life experience. My main worry is when people cast aside the opinions and stories of young people for the sole reason of them being young.